Our dream Journey to Tanzania

All is set for our next dream trip : we will be testing the fantastic & beyond lodges and safaris in Tanzania!

& beyond has a very interesting offer for Tanzania and/or Kenya:fly me around East Africa” :


7 nights from +/- 8.000 € p.p., including flights with small aircraft between the lodges. We will be testing this itinerary, arriving in Arusha, flying to Serengeti under Canvas ( hot air ballon over the Serengeti), then visiting the spectacular Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, continuing to Lake Manyara forest lodge and rounding up our journey onMnemba Island and The Residence in Zanzibar.

As a travel consultant, I have excellent, privileged relationships with & beyond and other companies in the region and can thus contribute my personal experience!

After our trip you can expect my detailed report!

Please find our detailed itinerary:

Tanzania itinerary I would love to organise this once in a lifetime kourney for you! Don’t hesitate to contact me!